The sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price being attained. 只要达到了拍卖底价,标的物就会出售给出价最高的竞买人。
A secret reserve price allows bidders to see each others 'gradually ascending bids and thus draw confidence that they are not alone in prizing the item. 保留价格保密可以让出价方看到彼此逐渐攀升的出价,从而激起他们的信心,让他们相信自己不是唯一欣赏这件物品的人。
However, the price shall not be less than the reserve price. 但成交价不得低于保留价。
Property developers will only need to bid80 per cent of the government's reserve price to trigger the auction of a site on the application list. 只要发展商提出的勾地价达政府订出的市价的80%或以上,政府将接纳其勾地申请,将地皮推出拍卖。
The empirical result denotes that the foreign reserve and price index have a positive correlativity and a steady equilibrium relationship in the long run. 结果表明,外汇储备与物价指数之间存在正相关关系,且长期内存在稳定的均衡关系。
The Theoretical Study into the Approach to Winning the Building Project Bid in Reserve Price and Its Safeguard Measures 建设工程招标的最低价中标法及其保证措施的理论研究
If you, as a bidder, have made the highest bid at the end of an auction at or above the reserve price, you are obligated to complete the transaction. 倘阁下,作为竞投者,在拍卖结束前叫出相等于或高于保留价的最高竞投价,阁下有责任完成该项交易。
Research on Emotional Bidding Strategies under the Circumstance of Uncertain Reserve Price 保留价不确定条件下情绪竞价策略研究
The Markov Chain Model of England Auction on Having Reserve Price and Transaction Probability 有底价的英式拍卖的Markov链模型及成交概率
He has put a reserve price on his house. 他已把他的房子定下最低价格。
This sudden popularity of auctions without reserves, even with the top salerooms, in situations where traditionally sellers would insist on a reserve price below which their object would not be sold, heralds a change in attitudes. 一般卖方都会坚持设定保留价,低于保留价就不卖。无底价拍卖会的突然流行,预示着人们态度上的变化。
None of the indices take into account buy-ins, or works that fail to sell because they do not meet their reserve price. 没有一个指数考虑到大宗买入的作品,或是那些因未能达到最低价格而流拍的作品。
The model of non-homogeneous Markov chain for England auction with non-open reserve price 有不公开底价英式拍卖的非时齐Markov链模型
He bought the first hardback edition new in 1974 and sold it two years ago on eBay for his reserve price of 900. 他1974年买了一本全新的首版精装本,两年前在ebay上以900英镑的底价卖掉了它。
The government would also make more land available, which has traditionally been released for auction only after a developer indicates its willingness to pay a high reserve price. 政府还将增加住宅土地供应。传统上,只有在某家开发商表明其愿意支付较高的保留价后,政府才会发放地块供竞拍。
Auction theory offers an argument that a secret reserve price is better. 拍卖理论提出一种看法,认为保留价格保密更好。
It releases plots for auction only after a developer's offer triggers a reserve price and then only if the plot has been put on a shortlist for offer. 只有在开发商的报价触发了底价,然后地块被列入候选拍卖名单后,政府才会将地块放出来拍卖。
The first bid offered at a land auction used to be the reserve price. Obviously, that has not been the case recently. 以往政府卖地,发展商第一口承价往往就是底价,但是近期政府卖地,显然并非如此处理。
For those that reach auction, perhaps more than four-fifths end up with lender after failing to attract interest at the ( often unrealistic) reserve price, set by the bank. 就那些进入拍卖程序的房产而言,由于银行设定的(往往不现实的)底价无法引起买家的兴趣,逾五分之四的竞拍房产最终留在了银行名下。
An analysis of reserve price and bidding strategies on on-line auctions 基于Priceline的网上逆向拍卖的保留价策略
This paper analyzes the relationship between the reserve price and the number of bidders under the condition of independent private values, correcting the traditional false view that optimal reserve price is irrelevance to the number of bidders. 本文分析了独立的私人估价环境下最优保留价格与竞买人数之间的关系,纠正了最优保留价格与竞买人数无关的传统观点。
Solving the model not only can form the zonal reserve price, but also can get the rational pre-set scheme in serious outage. 模型的求解不仅可以得到区域备用价格,而且可得到故障情况下合理的调度方案;
In electricity market, electricity price, reserve price and fuel price are more uncertain than those in the regulated conditions. 在电力市场中,电量价格、备用价格和燃料价格比管制情况下存在着更大的不确定性。
Analysing the commercial properties and characteristics of proved oil-gas reserve, I puts forward a new conception that makes oil-gas and other mineral reserve commercial and formulates the principle and method of reserve price. 通过对已探明油气储量商品属性和特点的分析,提出了石油天然气等矿产资源实行储量商品化的新构想及制定储量价格的原则、方法。
A Comparative Analysis of the Reserve Price in Auctions Mechanism 拍卖机制中最优保留价比较分析
In this paper, the concept of zonal electrical price is extended to zonal reserve price. 将区域电价有关概念推广到区域备用市场;
Again, use a quantitative method to study on the dynamic relation of grain reserve and price, yield between. 再次,用定量的方法对粮食储备与价格、产量之间的动态关系进行实证研究。
While the ascertainment of reserve price is relying on the features of the product for sale and the distribution of potential consumers. 而卖方保留价格的确定依赖于待售商品的特征和潜在消费者的分布情况。
Pass basic assumption, the mining rights reserve price of constitution, systematically design Heilongjiang province the mining rights be superior sale mechanism, and carried on a market allocation efficiency analysis. 通过基本假设、矿业权保留价格的设置,系统地设计了黑龙江省矿业权最优拍卖机制,并进行了市场配置效率分析。
So far, reserve price is still regarded as constant. The researches on reserve price focus on whether it is made or not and how to made it. 但到目前为止,对保留价的研究仍停留在将其看作常数。